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Google, YouTube

YouTube Changes Recommendation Behavior When Signed Out

YouTube has made a significant change to the way it recommends videos. The platform no longer provides video suggestions for users who are signed out of their Google account or using Incognito mode.

YouTube has made a significant change to the way it recommends videos. The platform no longer provides video suggestions for users who are signed out of their Google account or using Incognito mode. Instead, visitors see a simple homepage with the message “Get Started” and an encouragement to watch videos in order to build a personalized recommendation feed.

Previously, YouTube would display video suggestions even for users who were not signed in. This change has led to concerns that the platform is pushing users to stay logged into their Google accounts in order to receive relevant recommendations.

Some users have also observed that clearing their search and watch history or disabling these settings prevents them from receiving recommendations, even when signed in. This behavior has led to speculation that YouTube aims to encourage users to keep their history settings enabled.

Google has not issued a formal statement regarding the reasoning behind this YouTube update.