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Microsoft and Anduril Join Forces on U.S. Army Combat Goggles

Microsoft and Anduril Join Forces on U.S. Army Combat Goggles

Microsoft is collaborating with military tech company Anduril to develop advanced combat goggles for the U.S. Army. Known as the Integrated Visual Augmentation System (IVAS), the device combines Microsoft’s hardware with Anduril’s Lattice software to provide real-time threat detection and situational awareness.

This headset has been in development since 2018 as part of a $480 million contract, with Anduril recently adding its cutting-edge sensors and operating system to improve battlefield safety.

Anduril’s founder, Palmer Luckey, the creator of Oculus VR, is overseeing the integration of his company’s technology into the goggles. He emphasized that the project is a priority, describing it as critical to the Army’s future operations. The enhanced goggles are designed to give soldiers comprehensive, real-time data during missions, improving decision-making and safety in the field.

Microsoft and Anduril aim to deliver a transformational tool that increases operational effectiveness and keeps soldiers safe by integrating advanced sensor technology.